Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Five Star Backpacking

So, it will be my fourth time leaving the United States (outside of Canada ... what is that anyways?!), but the FIRST time I will be making it to 12, maybe 13 destinations, all in one go! My head is spinning thinking about it! In just a few short days we will be shopping in Europe, eating the best food in the world, visiting ancient historic sites and of course participating in the modern cultures of our various destinations.

I'm not quite sure how to prepare for this; we're departing this weekend with just the bags on our backs and each other. Stilettos and other fabulous accessories are not invited; yeah, we're roughin' it! NOT! I think we'll be okay as long as we don't get sold into slavery for a couple of camels or arrested for unlawful gum-chewing. People here tell me they like when I come back ... so we'll do our best not to be detained, but I can't promise I wont fall in love with the local culture, or maybe just the locals (oops, btdt) and stay voluntarily.

But I'll stop bragging ... until we get there ;)

Until then, I cannot wait for happy hour on Thursday to say farewell to all of my wonderful coworkers (SUCKAHHHHS!) And, of course since my boss promised everyone I'd be taking souvenir requests, I sure will listen to them, but after all those drinks I'm not too sure I'll remember them!


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