Monday, May 23, 2011

Biker's Paradise

First stop: Copenhagen, Denmark!

We were welcomed to Copenhagen by a really sweet Danish security officer. She directed us to our hotel once we got off the train, and we walked right into what seems to be Copenhagen's sex district. There are "free sex shows" and stores that sell dildo's all around us, and we were quite surprised! But we were excited about being in a new place.

The hotel is really located in a central area (besides the whole sex thing) it was so easy to get around especially by foot. We are right next to Tivoli, an outdoor amusement park that has tons of different little restaurants and beer gardens inside. We were on our way there when it started pouring rain so we ran into a bar across the street called Streckers. We met our bartender, Silke, who is the definition of a Danish beauty. Then we did beer tasting and Grace and I got a liitttllleeee drunk. Apparently the alcohol content in Danish beer is higher...who knew? (hahaha) It was an early night for us.

Today we went on a bike tour all around the city and saw lots of different parts. People here ride bike EVERYWHERE. There are separate lanes on the sides of the roads for bikers and something like 36% of the population uses biking as their main way of getting around. We biked through all these historic landmarks and we also visited Christiania which is sort of an anarchist neighborhood. This group of people moved in to old military barracks and created their own neighborhood within a city. They are secluded and sell pot down the main street. It was SWEET and there was tons of graffiti everywhere. After 3 hours of biking our butts were so sore! We ditched the bikes and ended our night with a stroll in Nyhvnd (new hound, a beautiful harbor near the central city.

More updates soon! Pictures aren't working for some reason but we will try and get that all figured out soon.



  1. Ash and I are proud of you!! I am glad you liked Christiana-how weird is it?! DID YOU NOTICE HOW BEAUTIFUL THE PEOPLE ARE? Sounds like you two are off to a great start. I am so glad you are writing this blog! Are you going on a boat tour? You need to see the little mermaid statue! P.s. a little lame you had a security officer guide you to your hotel...did they also carry your bags? HAAAAA

    Becca- found a great apartment on Roscoe for rent beginning on july 1st! it is brick and greystone and i took a picture so i will keep you posted on the hunt!
    Grace- I hate sleeping alone. We loved your note! Last night we went to Justins and sat outside with Bratta and Kenzie and Amy and the night before we went to Zella's ... paps was looking for someone to dance with, he misses you :(


  2. Oh hahahaha ya we saw that on the bike tour! So cute and yay for apartment! Message me details
